“Does man think that We cannot assemble his bones? Nay, We are able to put together in perfect order the very tips of his fingers.” [Al-Qur’an 75:3-4] Unbelievers argue regarding resurrection taking place after bones of dead people have disintegrated in the earth and how each individual would be identified on the Day of Judgement. Almighty Allah answers that He can not only assemble our bones but can also reconstruct perfectly our very fingertips. Why does the Qur’an, while speaking about determination of the identity of the individual, speak specifically about fingertips? In 1880, fingerprinting became the scientific method of identification, after research done by Sir Francis Golt. No two persons in the world can ever have exactly the same fingerprint pattern, not even identical twins. That is the reason why police forces worldwide use fingerprints to identify criminals. Fourteen hundred years ago, who could have known the uniqueness of each human’s fingerprint? Surely it could have been none other than the Creator Himself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAIN RECEPTORS IN THE SKIN It was thought that the sense of feeling and pain was dependent only on the brain. Recent discoveries however prove that there are pain receptors present in the skin, without which a person would not be able to feel pain. When a doctor examines a patient suffering from burn injuries, he verifies the degree of burns by a pinprick. If the patient feels pain, the doctor is happy, because it indicates that the burns are superficial and the pain receptors are intact. On the other hand, if the patient does not feel any pain, it indicates that it is a deep burn and the pain receptors have been destroyed. The Qur’an gives a clear indication of the existence of pain receptors in the following verse: “Those who reject our signs, We shall soon cast into the Fire; as often as their skins are roasted through, We shall change them for fresh skins, that they may taste the Penalty: for Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise.” [Al-Qur’an 4:56] Prof. Tagatat Tejasen, Chairman of the Department of Anatomy at Chiang Mai University in Thailand, has spent a great amount of time on research of pain receptors. Initially he could not believe that the Qur’an mentioned this scientific fact 1,400 years ago. He later verified the translation of this particular Qur’anic verse. Prof. Tejasen was so impressed by the scientific accuracy of the Qur’anic verse, that at the 8th Saudi Medical Conference held in Riyadh on the Scientific Signs of Qur’an and Sunnah, he proudly proclaimed in public: “There is no God but Allah and Muhammad (pbuh) is His Messenger.”

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Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: A strong believer is better and is more lovable to Allah than a weak believer, and there is good in everyone, (but) cherish that which gives you benefit (in the Hereafter) and seek help from Allah and do not lose heart, and if anything (in the form of trouble) comes to you, don’t say: If I had not done that, it would not have happened so and so, but say: Allah did that what He had ordained to do and your” if” opens the (gate) for the Satan. [Muslim Hadith 6441] So what does this Hadith really mean? We all should try to understand the meaning behind this Hadith.What is meant by “strength” and “weakness” in the believer is “strength of faith” and “weakness of faith.” The rest of the hadith explains some of the the signs of strong faith: to be avid for what brings one true benefit in the next life, to not give up when striving to fulfill the rights that Allah Most High has over one, and to bear patiently with the trials of destiny.Shaykh Muhammad Ibn `Allan (Allah have mercy on him) mentions in his commentary on Riyad al-Salihin that the strong believer is the one whose faith is so strong that the wordly causes and effects do not distract him from the One who is really running the world, so that he has complete reliance on his creator. The outward sign of strong faith is increased worship: the stronger a believer is in his faith, the more he will busy himself with the worship of His Lord.The point of the hadith is to get us to roll up our sleeves and get busy in trying to purify ourselves from disobedience to Allah Most High–inwardly and outwardly–and to adorn ourselves with His obedience–inwardly and outwardly.When the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) said that there is “good in both”, he meant–as explained by Shaykh Ibn `Allan–that the good that is in both of them is the faith that is in their hearts. In other words, although the faith of the strong believer is stronger than the faith of the weak believer, both are, at the end of the day believers, and belief is a tremendous blessing from Allah Most High.And Allah Most High knows best.

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At the mudghah stage, if an incision is made in theembryo and the internal organ is dissected, it will beseen that most of them are formed while theremaining are not yet completely formed.According to Prof. Johnson, if we describe theembryo as a complete creation, then we are onlydescribing that part which is already created.If we describe it as an incomplete creation, thenwe are only describing that part which is not yetcreated. So, is it a complete creation or an incompletecreation? There is no better description of this stageof embryogenesis than the Qur’anic description,“partly formed and partly unformed”, as in thefollowing verse:“We created youout of dust,then out of sperm,then out of a leech-like clot,then out of a morsel of flesh,partly formedand partly unformedthat We may manifest(Our Power) to you.”[Al-Qur’an 22:5]Scientifically we know that at this early stageof development there are some cells which aredifferentiated and there are some cells that areundifferentiated – some organs are formed and yetothers unformed.----------------------------------------------------------------------SENSE OF HEARING AND SIGHTThe first sense to develop in a developing humanembryo is hearing. The foetus can hear sounds afterthe 24th week. Subsequently, the sense of sight isdeveloped and by the 28th week, the retina becomessensitive to light.The Qur'an explains it thus:“And He gaveyou (the faculties of) hearingand sight and feeling(and understanding).”[Al-Qur’an 32:9]“Verily We created manfrom a drop of mingled sperm,in order to try him:so We gave him (the gifts),of Hearing and Sight.”[Al-Qur’an 76:2]“It is He Who has createdfor you (the faculties of)hearing, sight, feeling andunderstanding:little thanks it is ye give!”[Al-Qur’an 23:78]In all these verses the sense of hearing is mentionedbefore that of sight. Thus the Qur’anic descriptionmatches perfectly with the discoveries in modernembryology.

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Narrated ‘Ata’ bin Yazid Al-Laithi:

On the authority of Abu Huraira: The people said, “O Allah’s Apostle! Shall we see our Lord on the Day of Resurrection?” TheProphet said, “Do you have any difficulty in seeing the moon on a full moon night?” They said, “No, O Allah’s Apostle.” He said, “Do you have any difficulty in seeing the sun when there are no clouds?” They said, “No, O Allah’s Apostle.” He said, “So you will see Him, like that. Allah will gather all the people on the Day of Resurrection, and say, ‘Whoever worshipped something (in the world) should follow (that thing),’ so, whoever worshipped the sun will follow the sun, and whoever worshiped the moon will follow the moon, and whoever used to worship certain (other false) deities, he will follow those deities. And there will remain only this nation with its good people (or its hypocrites). (The sub-narrator, Ibrahim is in doubt.) Allah will come to them and say, ‘I am your Lord.’They will (deny Him and) say, ‘We will stay here till our Lord comes, for when our Lord comes, we will recognize Him.’ So Allah will come to them in His appearance which they know, and will say, ‘I am your Lord.’ They will say, ‘You are our Lord,’ so they will follow Him.Then a bridge will be laid across Hell (Fire)’ I and my followers will be the first ones to go across it and none will speak on that Day except the Apostles. And the invocation of the Apostles on that Day will be, ‘O Allah, save! Save!’ In Hell (or over The Bridge) there will be hooks like the thorns of As-Sa’dan (thorny plant). Have you seen As-Sa’dan? ” They replied, “Yes, O Allah’s Apostle!” He said, “So those hooks look like the thorns of As -Sa’dan, but none knows how big they are except Allah. Those hooks will snap the people away according to their deeds. Some of the people will stay in Hell (be destroyed) because of their (evil) deeds, and some will be cut or torn by the hooks (and fall into Hell) and some will be punished and then relieved. When Allah has finished His Judgments among the people, He will take whomever He will out of Hell through His Mercy. He will then order the angels to take out of the Fire all those who used to worship none but Allah from among those whom Allah wanted to be merciful to and those who testified (in the world) that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah. The angels will recognize them in the Fire by the marks of prostration (on their foreheads), for the Fire will eat up all the human body except the mark caused by prostration as Allah has forbidden the Fire to eat the mark of prostration. They will come out of the (Hell) Fire, completely burnt and then the water of life will be poured over them and they will grow under it as does a seed that comes in the mud of the torrent.Then Allah will finish the judgments among the people, and there will remain one man facing the (Hell) Fire and he will be the last person among the people of Hell to enter Paradise. He will say, ‘O my Lord! Please turn my face away from the fire because its air has hurt me and its severe heat has burnt me.’ So he will invoke Allah in the way Allah will wish him to invoke, and then Allah will say to him, ‘If I grant you that, will you then ask for anything else?’ He will reply, ‘No, by Your Power, (Honor) I will not ask You for anything else.’ He will give his Lord whatever promises and covenants Allah will demand.So Allah will turn his face away from Hell (Fire). When he will face Paradise and will see it, he will remain quiet for as long as Allah will wish him to remain quiet, then he will say, ‘O my Lord! Bring me near to the gate of Paradise.’ Allah will say to him, ‘Didn’t you give your promises and covenants that you would never ask for anything more than what you had been given? Woe on you, O Adam’s son! How treacherous you are!’ He will say, ‘O my lord,’ and will keep on invoking Allah till He says to him, ‘If I give what you are asking, will you then ask for anything else?’ He will reply, ‘No, by Your (Honor) Power, I will not ask for anything else.’Then he will give covenants and promises to Allah and then Allah will bring him near to the gate of Paradise. When he stands at the gate of Paradise, Paradise will be opened and spread before him, and he will see its splendor and pleasures whereupon he will remain quiet as long as Allah will wish him to remain quiet, and then he will say, O my Lord! Admit me into Paradise.’ Allah will say, ‘Didn’t you give your covenants and promises that you would not ask for anything more than what you had been given?’ Allah will say, ‘Woe on you, O Adam’s son! How treacherous you are! ‘The man will say, ‘O my Lord! Do not make me the most miserable of Your creation,’ and he will keep on invoking Allah till Allah will laugh because of his sayings, and when Allah will laugh because of him, He will say to him, ‘Enter Paradise,’ and when he will enter it, Allah will say to him, ‘Wish for anything.’ So he will ask his Lord, and he will wish for a great number of things, for Allah Himself will remind him to wish for certain things by saying, ‘(Wish for) so -and-so.’ When there is nothing more to wish for, Allah will say, ‘This is for you, and its equal (is for you) as well.”‘Ata’ bin Yazid added: Abu Sa’id Al-Khudri who was present with Abu Huraira, did not deny whatever the latter said, but when Abu Huraira said that Allah had said, “That is for you and its equal as well,” Abu Sa’id Al -Khudri said, “And ten times as much, O Abu Huraira!” Abu Huraira said, “I do not remember, except his saying, ‘That is for you and its equal as well.’” Abu Sa’id Al-Khudri then said, “I testify that I remember the Prophet saying, ‘That is for you, and ten times as much.’ ‘ Abu Huraira then added, “That man will be the last person of the people of Paradise to enter Paradise.”

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Every man will come out his deeds with him. But we will not come outthe same way. There are those who performed good deeds, they will comeout lightly. They will not feel the horror of resurrection nor the severity ofthe event, because Allah has lightened it for them.On the other hand, there are those whose deeds are evil, Allah forbid.These people will come out stumbling, on the strength of the Saying ofAllah, Blessed and Exalted is He, which means:O mankind, fear your Lord. Indeed, the convulsion of the [final] Hour isa terrible thing. On the Day you see it every nursing mother will bedistracted from that [child] she was nursing, and every pregnant womanwill abort her pregnancy, and you will see the people [appearing]intoxicated while they are not intoxicated; but the punishment of Allah issevere. [Al-Hajj, 22: 1-2]Thus we shall see people coming out of their graves. Swinging back andforth from the horror of the situation, as if intoxicated. Because thepunishment awaiting the sinners among them is certainly severe; itviolently shakes the strongest souls, most capable of enduringhardships.

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Narrated Ibn ‘Abbas:The Prophet used to invoke Allah at night, saying, “O Allah: All the Praises are for You: You are the Lord of the Heavens and the Earth. All the Praises are for You; You are the Maintainer of the Heaven and the Earth and whatever is in them. All the Praises are for You; You are the Light of the Heavens and the Earth. Your Word is the Truth, and Your Promise is the Truth, and the Meeting with You is the Truth, and Paradise is the Truth, and the (Hell) Fire is the Truth, and the Hour is the Truth. O Allah! I surrender myself to You, and I believe in You and I depend upon You, and I repent to You and with You (Your evidences) I stand against my opponents, and to you I leave the judgment (for those who refuse my message). O Allah! Forgive me my sins that I did in the past or will do in the future, and also the sins I did in secret or in public. You are my only God (Whom I worship) and there is no other God for me (i.e. I worship none but You).”Bukhari Hadith 482

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So, we exist since the creation of Adam (may Allah bless him and granthim peace). But we existed in Dhar world4, a world to which applies thelaws of death. When comes the Command of Allah we are transferredfrom Dhar world to the world of worldly life; a world where life is throughmeans. We spend in the world of worldly life as much as Allah wills forus to spend then comes the time of death and we move to the deathworld, then we move after that to the world of the life of the Hereafter.This is the meaning of the glorious Ayah:"Seeing that you were dead and He gave you life. Then He will give youdeath, then again will bring you to life (on the Day of Resurrection) andthen unto Him you will return." [Al-Baqarah, 2: 28]Out of His Mercifulness towards us Allah, all praise and glory is to Him,has revealed to us how man moves from worldly life to death; throughone of two ways. When man is dying he sees what he could not seebefore. He knows his destination, either to Paradise or to Hell, Allahforbid.The two images that Allah, Blessed and Exalted is He, gives us in theNoble Qur’an are of the believer and the disbeliever, while departing thelife of this world to the life of Barzakh.Allah, Blessed and Exalted is He, says what means:"The ones whom the angels take in death, [being] good and pure; [theangels] will say, "Peace be upon you. Enter Paradise for what you used todo." [An-Nahl, 16: 32]This is the picture of the believer while dying; he is surrounded by theangels of mercy and they greet him with peace and give him the gladtidings of entering Paradise. Therefore, the believer is happy and relieved.He is going to a far better place. It is an hour of bright prospect, ofcomfort and happiness hoped by every believer: to see the angels ofmercy and be given the glad tidings of entering Paradise.

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21-Nov-0911:29:04 WIB 10.81 LS - 118.91 BT 5.0 SR 23 Km 197 km BaratDaya WAINGAPU-NTT 20-Nov-0906:07:31 WIB 0.81 LS - 134.59 BT 5.5 SR 10 Km 57 km TimurLaut MANOKWARI-PAPUABARAT 19-Nov-0915:35:09 WIB 8.92 LS - 110.45 BT 5.0 SR 23 Km 107 km BaratDaya WONOSARI-DIY 19-Nov-0908:14:46 WIB 2.84 LU - 128.01 BT 5.6 SR 53 Km 196 km Tenggara MELONGUANE-SULUT 18-Nov-0912:09:39 WIB 6.53 LS - 129.79 BT 5.0 SR 144 Km 233 km BaratLaut SAUMLAKI-MALUKU 18-Nov-0909:17:12 WIB 9.15 LS - 107.58 BT 5.6 SR 66 Km 214 km BaratDaya TASIKMALAYA-JABAR 13-Nov-0902:39:16 WIB 4.88 LS - 103.02 BT 5.5 SR 23 Km 41 km BaratDaya BINTUHAN-BENGKULU 12-Nov-0919:53:08 WIB 5.99 LS - 104.17 BT 5.0 SR 16 Km 92 km Tenggara KRUI-LAMPUNG 12-Nov-0911:06:54 WIB 0.35 LU - 98.47 BT 5.0 SR 10 Km 55 km TimurLaut TANAHMASA-SUMUT 12-Nov-0905:00:52 WIB 7.01 LS - 120.49 BT 5.1 SR 10 Km 163 km Tenggara BULUKUMBA-SULSEL 12-Nov-0905:00:52 WIB 7.01 LS - 120.49 BT 5.1 SR 10 Km 163 km Tenggara BULUKUMBA-SULSEL 11-Nov-0921:32:43 WIB 5.44 LS - 133.61 BT 5.2 SR 38 Km 99 km TimurLaut TUAL-MALUKU 11-Nov-0910:14:54 WIB 1.54 LS - 99.44 BT 5.0 SR 15 Km 69 km Tenggara SIBERUTMENTAWAI-SUMBAR 10-Nov-0916:23:40 WIB 3.10 LU - 127.58 BT 5.3 SR 57 Km 142 km Tenggara MELONGUANE-SULUT 10-Nov-0902:41:27 WIB 7.34 LS - 129.37 BT 5.2 SR 107 Km 227 km BaratLaut SAUMLAKI-MALUKU 09-Nov-0902:41:46 WIB 8.24 LS - 118.65 BT 6.7 SR 25 Km 28 km BaratLaut RABA-NTB 07-Nov-0917:42:49 WIB 7.63 LS - 124.19 BT 5.3 SR 336 Km 186 km BaratLaut DILI-TIMORLESTE 05-Nov-0911:17:18 WIB 2.68 LS - 138.93 BT 5.8 SR 58 Km 198 km BaratDaya JAYAPURA-PAPUA 03-Nov-0905:19:00 WIB 4.62 LS - 101.59 BT 5.0 SR 20 Km 118 km BaratDaya BENGKULU-BENGKULU 01-Nov-0905:50:04 WIB 5.01 LS - 103.03 BT 5.1 SR 24 Km 45 km BaratDaya BINTUHAN-BENGKULU 31-Oct-0911:44:24 WIB 3.89 LS - 101.74 BT 5.1 SR 25 Km 52 km BaratDaya LAIS-BENGKULU 31-Oct-0907:14:08 WIB 1.28 LU - 120.75 BT 5.6 SR 10 Km 26 km BaratLaut TOLITOLI-SULTENG 30-Oct-0907:02:28 WIB 7.47 LS - 126.78 BT 5.0 SR 330 Km 180 km TimurLaut DILI-TIMORLESTE 29-Oct-0919:46:46 WIB 3.03 LU - 126.87 BT 5.0 SR 81 Km 110 km Tenggara MELONGUANE-SULUT 29-Oct-0912:21:19 WIB 1.37 LU - 126.35 BT 5.6 SR 30 Km 129 km Tenggara BITUNG-SULUT 29-Oct-0908:34:03 WIB 5.28 LS - 140.47 BT 5.8 SR 60 Km 306 km BaratDaya JAYAPURA-PAPUA 25-Oct-0912:00:52 WIB 7.52 LS - 129.31 BT 5.0 SR 125 Km 228 km BaratLaut SAUMLAKI-MALUKU 25-Oct-0909:25:46 WIB 2.34 LU - 125.55 BT 5.2 SR 10 Km 106 km TimurLaut BITUNG-SULUT 25-Oct-0908:50:04 WIB 1.58 LS - 99.43 BT 5.0 SR 13 Km 69 km Tenggara SIBERUTMENTAWAI-SUMBAR 25-Oct-0907:35:07 WIB 6.69 LS - 131.87 BT 5.3 SR 39 Km 151 km BaratDaya TUAL-MALUKU 25-Oct-0904:04:34 WIB 10.1 LS - 118.75 BT 5.5 SR 23 Km 174 km BaratDaya WAINGAPU-NTT 25-Oct-0903:54:50 WIB 10.16 LS - 118.75 BT 6.1 SR 19 Km 176 km BaratDaya WAINGAPU-NTT 24-Oct-0921:40:46 WIB 6.23 LS - 130.60 BT 7.3 SR 165 Km 209 km BaratLaut SAUMLAKI-MALUKU 24-Oct-0910:09:53 WIB 7.47 LS - 106.38 BT 5.1 SR 20 Km 85 km BaratDaya SUKABUMI-JABAR 23-Oct-0918:15:28 WIB 0.91 LS - 134.18 BT 6.0 SR 23 Km 13 km Tenggara MANOKWARI-PAPUABARAT 22-Oct-0915:34:10 WIB 3.65 LU - 126.76 BT 5.2 SR 20 Km 40 km Tenggara MELONGUANE-SULUT 21-Oct-0908:07:55 WIB 2.64 LU - 127.00 BT 5.1 SR 45 Km 155 km Tenggara MELONGUANE-SULUT 20-Oct-0905:18:18 WIB 6.95 LS - 124.07 BT 5.4 SR 617 Km 232 km Tenggara BAUBAU-SULTENGGARA 19-Oct-0923:35:07 WIB 1.87 LS - 100.20 BT 5.3 SR 20 Km 70 km BaratDaya PAINAN-SUMBAR 19-Oct-0906:29:12 WIB 1.03 LS - 97.98 BT 5.2 SR 16 Km 80 km BaratDaya TANAHBALA-SUMUT 19-Oct-0900:21:59 WIB 7.34 LS - 125.93 BT 5.6 SR 10 Km 142 km TimurLaut DILI-TIMORLESTE 18-Oct-0915:23:29 WIB 3.52 LS - 123.27 BT 5.8 SR 60 Km 89 km TimurLaut KENDARI-SULTENGGARA 17-Oct-0907:52:53 WIB 0.96 LU - 123.42 BT 5.2 SR 30 Km 60 km TimurLaut GORONTALO-GORONTALO 16-Oct-0920:10:47 WIB 4.99 LU - 127.45 BT 5.1 SR 10 Km 140 km TimurLaut MELONGUANE-SULUT 16-Oct-0916:52:50 WIB 6.79 LS - 105.11 BT 6.4 SR 10 Km 42 km BaratLaut UJUNGKULON-JABAR 16-Oct-0916:07:45 WIB 7.71 LS - 129.45 BT 5.2 SR 100 Km 209 km BaratLaut SAUMLAKI-MALUKU 16-Oct-0901:33:38 WIB 3.54 LS - 123.27 BT 5.8 SR 20 Km 88 km TimurLaut KENDARI-SULTENGGARA 15-Oct-0919:11:17 WIB 3.22 LS - 139.44 BT 6.2 SR 91 Km 160 km BaratDaya JAYAPURA-PAPUA 15-Oct-0916:44:15 WIB 9.26 LS - 122.97 BT 5.0 SR 42 Km 121 km BaratLaut KUPANG-NTT 13-Oct-0918:38:07 WIB 2.94 LU - 128.08 BT 6.2 SR 18 Km 195 km Tenggara MELONGUANE-SULUT 12-Oct-0909:56:55 WIB 8.24 LS - 107.39 BT 5.1 SR 30 Km 136 km BaratDaya TASIKMALAYA-JABAR 12-Oct-0902:03:46 WIB 3.92 LU - 126.67 BT 5.0 SR 10 Km 8 km Selatan MELONGUANE-SULUT 11-Oct-0907:59:49 WIB 0.28 LU - 97.29 BT 5.4 SR 41 Km 117 km BaratDaya GUNUNGSITOLI-SUMUT 10-Oct-0916:01:02 WIB 3.83 LU - 122.45 BT 5.2 SR 566 Km 336 km BaratLaut TAHUNA-SULUT 09-Oct-0901:56:28 WIB 8.19 LS - 107.22 BT 5.2 SR 11 Km 144 km Tenggara SUKABUMI-JABAR 08-Oct-0916:10:03 WIB 3.98 LU - 122.48 BT 5.2 SR 568 Km 334 km BaratLaut TAHUNA-SULUT 08-Oct-0904:41:15 WIB 4.01 LU - 122.65 BT 6.1 SR 576 Km 316 km BaratLaut TAHUNA-SULUT 07-Oct-0922:48:37 WIB 8.65 LS - 127.99 BT 5.4 SR 30 Km 267 km Tenggara DILI-TIMORLESTE 07-Oct-0920:02:12 WIB 0.27 LS - 133.02 BT 5.5 SR 60 Km 133 km BaratLaut MANOKWARI-PAPUABARAT 06-Oct-0911:30:19 WIB 2.45 LU - 128.97 BT 5.3 SR 40 Km 256 km TimurLaut TERNATE-MALUKUUTARA

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