At the mudghah stage, if an incision is made in theembryo and the internal organ is dissected, it will beseen that most of them are formed while theremaining are not yet completely formed.According to Prof. Johnson, if we describe theembryo as a complete creation, then we are onlydescribing that part which is already created.If we describe it as an incomplete creation, thenwe are only describing that part which is not yetcreated. So, is it a complete creation or an incompletecreation? There is no better description of this stageof embryogenesis than the Qur’anic description,“partly formed and partly unformed”, as in thefollowing verse:“We created youout of dust,then out of sperm,then out of a leech-like clot,then out of a morsel of flesh,partly formedand partly unformedthat We may manifest(Our Power) to you.”[Al-Qur’an 22:5]Scientifically we know that at this early stageof development there are some cells which aredifferentiated and there are some cells that areundifferentiated – some organs are formed and yetothers unformed.----------------------------------------------------------------------SENSE OF HEARING AND SIGHTThe first sense to develop in a developing humanembryo is hearing. The foetus can hear sounds afterthe 24th week. Subsequently, the sense of sight isdeveloped and by the 28th week, the retina becomessensitive to light.The Qur'an explains it thus:“And He gaveyou (the faculties of) hearingand sight and feeling(and understanding).”[Al-Qur’an 32:9]“Verily We created manfrom a drop of mingled sperm,in order to try him:so We gave him (the gifts),of Hearing and Sight.”[Al-Qur’an 76:2]“It is He Who has createdfor you (the faculties of)hearing, sight, feeling andunderstanding:little thanks it is ye give!”[Al-Qur’an 23:78]In all these verses the sense of hearing is mentionedbefore that of sight. Thus the Qur’anic descriptionmatches perfectly with the discoveries in modernembryology.
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