The wife that pushes her husband towards ill-gotten gains
Before we stop at these scenes to be continued, if Allah wills, in the next
book about the Day of Judgment we wish to present the picture of the
wife who pushes her husband towards corruption.
Many wives overburden their husbands with their demands. They refuse
to live within the limits of their husbands’ salary or income. They
persistently beset the husbands with requests beyond their capability. To
please his wife, the husband resorts to ill-gotten gains. Consequently, he
takes bribes, steal, embezzles money, cheat and tries to obtain money, by
all illicit ways, in order to please his wife and realize her wishes.
Such a wife will bear the greater burden of sin and will be brought
together with her husband for Judgment. This wife who incited her
husband to steal, and the husband who weakened and could have
refused. He could have separated from his wife who urged him to disobey
We have reached the end of this book about the Day of Resurrection. We
have discussed in it the meaning of day, life and death, what shall
precede Resurrection, the life of Barzakh, the Land of Promise, then we
tackled some of the scenes of the Day of Judgment.
If Allah wills, we shall continue the discussion in the next book about
Judgment, how it shall proceed and about Paradise and Hellfire.
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